The RSAVS can do subgroup analysis and variable selection simultaneously and it supports multiple choices of loss and penalty functions. It implements the computation in a parallel manner.

RSAVS functions

RSAVS_Compute_BIC RSAVS_Determine_Mu RSAVS_Further_Improve RSAVS_Generate_D_Matrix loss_function: RSAVS_Huber, RSAVS_L1, RSAVS_L2 RSAVS_LargeN RSAVS_Mu_to_Mat RSAVS_RI RSAVS_Summary_Iteration RSAVS_S_to_Groups RSAVS_Path RSAVS_Path_PureR RSAVS_Solver RSAVS_Solver_PureR

RSAVS datesets

Student performance dataset: full_df, mat_df, por_df


Maintainer: Chao Cheng