This function carries out robust subgroup analysis and variable selection simultaneously. It's implemented in a parallel fashion. It supports different types of loss functions and penalties.
l_type = "L1",
l_param = NULL,
p1_type = "S",
p1_param = c(2, 3.7),
p2_type = "S",
p2_param = c(2, 3.7),
min_lam1_ratio = 0.03,
min_lam2_ratio = 0.03,
const_abc = rep(1, 3),
phi = 1,
tol = 0.001,
max_iter = 10,
cd_max_iter = 1,
cd_tol = 0.001,
subgroup_benchmark = FALSE
numerical vector of response. n = length(y_vec) is the number of observations.
numerical matrix of covariates. Each row for one observation and
p = ncol(x_mat)
is the number of covariates.
character string, type of loss function.
"L1": l-1 loss(absolute value loss)
"L2": l-2 loss(squared error loss)
"Huber": Huber loss. Its parameter is given in l_param.
Default value is "L1".
numeric vector containing necessary parameters of the corresponding loss function. The default value is NULL.
a character indicating the penalty types for subgroup identification and variable selection.
"M": MCP
"L": Lasso
Default values for both parameters are "S".
numerical vectors providing necessary parameters for the corresponding penalties.
For Lasso, lam = p_param[1]
For SCAD and MCP, lam = p_param[1], gamma = p_param[2]
Default values for both parameters are c(2, 3.7)
Note: This function searches the whole lam1_vec * lam2_vec grid for the best solution.
Hence the lambda
s provided in these parameters will be ignored and overwritten.
numerical vectors of customized lambda vectors.
For lam1_vec
, it's preferred to be in the order from small to big.
integers, lengths of the auto-generated lambda vectors.
numerical variable. A parameter needed for mBIC.
numerical, convergence tolerance for the algorithm.
integer, max number of iteration during the algorithm.
bool. Whether this call should be taken as a benchmark of subgroup identification.
, then the penalty for variable selection will be surpressed to a minimal value.
the ratio between the minimal and maximal lambda, equals to (minimal lambda) / (maximal lambda). The default value is 0.03.
list of vector, providing initial values for the algorithm.
mu_initial = initial_vec$mu
beta_initial = initial_vec$beta
Note: Current the function uses auto-generated lambda vectors
and the corresponding initial values are all just shrinked to 0.
Hence this parameter is ignored.
# a toy example
# first we generate data
n <- 200 # number of observations
q <- 5 # number of active covariates
p <- 50 # number of total covariates
k <- 2 # number of subgroups
# k subgroup effect, centered at 0
group_center <- seq(from = 0, to = 2 * (k - 1), by = 2) - (k - 1)
# covariate effect vector
beta_true <- c(rep(1, q), rep(0, p - q))
# subgroup effect vector
alpha_true <- sample(group_center, size = n, replace = TRUE)
x_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p) # covariate matrix
err_vec <- rnorm(n, sd = 0.1) # error term
y_vec <- alpha_true + x_mat %*% beta_true + err_vec # response vector
# a simple analysis using default loss and penalties
res <- RSAVS_LargeN(y_vec = y_vec, x_mat = x_mat,
lam1_len = 50, lam2_len = 40,
phi = 5)
#> `const_r123` is missing. Use default settings!
#> lam1_vec is missing, use default values...
#> lam2_vec is missing, use default values...
#> prepare intermediate variables needed by the algorithm
#> Basic variables initialized.
#> Beta finished.
#> Mu finished.
#> Z finished.
#> S finished.
#> W finished.
#> q1 finished.
#> q2 finished.
#> q3 finished.
#> D started.
#> D finished.
#> beta left finished.
#> mu left finished.
# you can choose different loss and penalties
res_huber <- RSAVS_LargeN(y_vec = y_vec, x_mat = x_mat,
l_type = "Huber", l_param = 1.345,
p1_type = "M", p2_type = "L",
lam1_len = 40, lam2_len = 30,
phi = 5)
#> `const_r123` is missing. Use default settings!
#> lam1_vec is missing, use default values...
#> lam2_vec is missing, use default values...
#> prepare intermediate variables needed by the algorithm
#> Basic variables initialized.
#> Beta finished.
#> Mu finished.
#> Z finished.
#> S finished.
#> W finished.
#> q1 finished.
#> q2 finished.
#> q3 finished.
#> D started.
#> D finished.
#> beta left finished.
#> mu left finished.
# you can do post-selection estimation by
ind <- res$best_ind # pick an id of the solution
res2 <- RSAVS_Further_Improve(y_vec = y_vec, x_mat = x_mat,
mu_vec = res$mu_improve_mat[ind, ],
beta_vec = res$w_mat[ind, ])